General Event Guidelines
The FUMAA committees are very excited to be able to coordinate this Music Alumni event and we are all very thankful for your participation! We want to share just a few reminders of the expectations while we are on the FU campus.
Please keep in mind.....we are GUESTS at Fairfield Union's facilities. Yes, this is our Alma Mater, yes we put blood, sweat and tears (no puns intended) into this place, but we are GUESTS.
FUMAA is not an affiliate nor do we fall under any governing rights with Fairfield Union Schools. We are a separate entity that operates under our own Constitution and By-Laws established by the founding Executive Officers of FUMAA. We will hold any individual in our group (FUMAA or Fairfield Union Marching Falcon Alumni Band) fully accountable for their actions.
We expect that you will be polite, responsible, respectable adults while on FU property. When you wear the Alumni shirt, you are representing FUMAA and the Alumni performing group. Remember, we are setting an example and there will be many, many youthful eyes watching your actions and hearing your words at all times.
There should be NO trash left in our section of bleachers, there should be NO swearing, there should be NO disrespect and there will be NO toleration of any negative actions towards any other band member or guest.
-FUMAA Executive Committee